Some study found that higher level of vitamin D in the blood is associated with a lower risk for getting colorectal cancer, says a colon cancer doctor in Kolkata. Vitamin D has been known to be required to maintain bone health for a long time. A study found out that people who were vitamin D deficient had a 31% higher risk of developing colorectal cancer during the time they were followed. The lowest colorectal cancer chances were of people who had circulating vitamin D.
How to get vitamin D
You can get vitamin D from your diet, from supplements and from the Sun. However, staying in direct sunlight without any protection expose you to harmful UV rays, which is a major risk factor for skin cancer. Other than this, getting excessive amount of vitamin D can also be harmful. The colon cancer treatment doctor in Kolkata offer a few tips, such as:
Including food that is naturally rich in vitamin D in your diet, such as salmon, tuna, sword fish, etc. Mushrooms and eggs also contain a small amount of vitamin D.
Milk, including almond and soy milk is packed with vitamin D. Other dairy products, cereal and orange juice can also have vitamin D added in them. Read labels to be confirmed.
People who take a calcium supplement are probably already getting added vitamin D as many calcium supplements contain vitamin D.
The study does not suggest that high dose vitamin D supplements are required for people and that it is necessary for most people to have their vitamin D levels checked. However, if you feel concerned about the levels of your vitamin D, consult your doctor.
Always apply sunscreen before going under the sun as direct sunlight exposure raises the risk of skin cancer.
The exact reason why vitamin D protects against cancer is still unknown. But, researchers assume that the vitamin plays a role in controlling cell growth and promoting programmed cell death, says the colon cancer specialist in Kolkata.
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